Anshil Wellness Road Opener Kit: Remove Obstacles & Achieve Your Goals

Jun 21, 2024
Road Opener Kit
Anshil Wellness Road Opener Kit: Remove Obstacles & Achieve Your Goals

Anshil Wellness Road Opener Kit: A Pathway to New Beginnings

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we often encounter roadblocks that hinder our personal growth and success. Be it in our careers, relationships, or personal development, these obstacles can seem insurmountable.

The Anshil Wellness Road Opener Kit is designed to help you navigate these challenges, providing the tools and guidance needed to clear your path and open the doors to new opportunities.

The Essence of the Road Opener Kit

The Anshil Wellness Road Opener Kit is a carefully curated collection of spiritual and wellness products aimed at clearing away obstacles and inviting positive energy into your life. The kit includes:

  1. Road Opener Candle
  2. Road Opener Bath Soap
  3. Road Opener Essential Oil Roll-On
  4. Road Opener Spray

Each kit component is infused with specific herbs, oils, and essences known for their road-opening properties, designed to work synergistically to help you achieve your goals.

Unpacking the Road Opener Kit

Road Opener Candle

The Road Opener Candle is the heart of the kit. Crafted from natural soy wax and infused with a blend of herbs, crystals and essential oils, this candle is designed to create an atmosphere of peace and focus, aiding in meditation and intention-setting rituals.

How to Use:

  1. Setting the Intention: Before lighting the candle, focus on opening up pathways for success and new opportunities.
  2. Lighting the Candle: Light the candle and visualize your path clearing. Imagine the obstacles melting away and the doors opening in front of you.
  3. Daily Ritual: Light the candle daily for 1-2 hours daily or as long as you feel necessary focusing on your intention and visualizing positive outcomes.

Road Opener Essential Oil Roll-On

The Road Opener Essential Oil Roll-On is a convenient and potent blend of Bay leaf, Cinnamon, Camphor, and clove essential oils known for their ability to clear away obstacles and invite positive energy. This roll-on is perfect for on-the-go use, allowing you to carry the power of the Road Opener Kit with you throughout your day.

How to Use:

  1. Setting the Intention: Before applying the roll-on, take a moment to set your intention. What challenges do you wish to overcome today?
  2. Application: Apply the roll-on to your pulse points (wrists, temples, neck) while visualizing the obstacles in your path dissipating.
  3. Daily Use: Use the roll-on throughout the day whenever you need a boost of positive energy and focus.

Road Opener Spray

The Road Opener Spray is a versatile tool that can be used to clear negative energy from your space, inviting positivity and opening new paths. This spray is a blend of essential oils and natural ingredients known for their purifying and energizing properties.

How to Use:

  1. Setting the Intention: Before using the spray, recite affirmations or prayers while spraying on what space do you wish to cleanse? What new opportunities do you want to invite?
  2. Spraying Ritual: Spray the Road Opener Spray in your home, office, car, or any space where you feel stagnant energy. As you spray, visualize the negative energy being dispelled and replaced with positive, vibrant energy.
  3. Daily Use: Shake the spray before using it and use it daily or whenever you feel the need to refresh and energize your space.

Road Opener Bath Soap

The Road Opener Bath Soap is a luxurious blend of natural ingredients designed to cleanse not only your body but also your spirit. Infused with herbs and oils known for their road-opening properties, this soap provides a refreshing and invigorating bathing experience.

How to Use:

  1. Setting the Intention: As you prepare for your bath, say affirmations or prayers related to road opening while you use the soap.
  2. Bathing Ritual: Lather the soap in your hands or on a washcloth, and as you wash your body, visualize the obstacles and negative energies being washed away.
  3. Daily Use: Use the soap daily or whenever you feel the need to cleanse your spirit and refocus your energy.

A Comprehensive Guide to Using the Anshil Wellness Road Opener Kit

The Anshil Wellness Road Opener Kit is more than just a collection of products; it’s a holistic system designed to help you remove obstacles and create a clear path to success. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making the most of your kit:

Step 1: Create a Sacred Space

Begin by designating a space in your home where you can perform your rituals without distractions. This could be a small corner of a room, a tabletop, or a dedicated altar. Ensure this space is clean and free from clutter.

Step 2: Set Your Intention

It's crucial to set a clear intention before using any of the products in the kit. This involves focusing on the specific obstacles you wish to remove and the goals you want to achieve. Write down your intentions in a journal or on a piece of paper to make them more concrete.

Step 3: Begin with the Road Opener Candle

Light the Road Opener Candle as the first step in your ritual. Sit quietly in front of the candle, take deep breaths, and focus on your intention. Visualize the flame burning away the obstacles in your path and illuminating the way forward.

Step 4: Apply the Road Opener Essential Oil Roll-On

Once you’re out of the bath with road opener soap and dried off, apply the Road Opener Essential Oil Roll-On to your pulse points. This will keep the energy of your ritual with you throughout the day. Every time you apply the roll-on, take a moment to refocus on your intention.

Step 5: Purify Your Space with the Road Opener Spray

Lastly, use the Road Opener Spray to cleanse your environment. Spray it in your home, office, or any space where you spend a lot of time. This will help maintain a positive and open atmosphere, free from negative energies and obstacles.

Step 6: Consistent Practice

Consistency is key when using the Anshil Wellness Road Opener Kit. Incorporate these rituals into your daily routine, even if only for a few minutes each day. Regular use will help reinforce your intentions and gradually clear the path to new opportunities.


The Anshil Wellness Road Opener Kit is a powerful tool for anyone looking to overcome obstacles and open new paths in their life. By incorporating the Road Opener Candle, Bath Soap, Essential Oil Roll-On, and Spray into your daily routine, you can create a holistic practice that clears away negative energies and invites positive change.

Remember, the key to success with this kit is consistency and intention. Set clear goals, use the products regularly, and watch as the doors to new opportunities begin to open for you.

Embrace the journey of personal growth and transformation with the Anshil Wellness Road Opener Kit, and step confidently into a future filled with possibilities.